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Microsoft Exam 98-382 Questions Answers Test Simulator

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Microsoft 98-382 Exam Topics

rogram with JavaScript Operators, Methods, and Keywords 20-25%

Complete or debug code that uses assignment and arithmetic operators

  • assignment; increment; decrement; addition; subtraction; division; multiplication; modulus; compound assignment operators

Apply JavaScript best practices

  • comments; indentations; naming conventions; noscript; constants; reserved keywords; debugger keyword; setting breakpoints; console.log

Evaluate the use of inline and external scripts

  • when to use, how to use, and what happens when both are used

Implement exception handling

  • try; catch; finally

Complete and debug code that interacts with the Browser Object Model (BOM)

  • manage state; display dialogs; determine screen size

Program with Variables, Data Types, and Functions () 25-30%

Declare and use variables of primitive data types

  • number; boolean; string; null; undefined; typeof operator; type checking functions; use strict; converting between data types; formatting numbers; string operations; single quote vs double quote (nesting); initialization

Declare and use arrays

  • single-dimensional arrays; multi-dimensional arrays; iteration; initialization; define an array; sort and search an array; use push, pop, shift, and unshift methods; use the length property; access an array element Complete and debug code that uses objects
  • properties; methods; instantiation; date object; retrieve date and time parts; localize date format (MM/DD vs DD/MM); add and subtract dates

Complete and debug code that uses built-in Math functions

  • random; round; abs; floor; ceiling; min; max; pow; sqrt

Complete and debug a function that accepts parameters and returns a value

  • reusable code; local versus global scope, redefine variables, pass parameters, value versus reference, return values

Implement and Analyze Decisions and Loops 20-25%

Complete and debug decision statements

  • if; else if; switch; nested if

Complete and debug loops

  • for; while; do; break; continue

Interact with the Document Object Model 15-20%

Identify and construct the Document Object Model (DOM) tree

  • window; document; body; other HTML elements

Identify and handle HTML events

  • onchange; onmouseover; onload; onclick; onmouseout; onkeydown

Complete and debug code that outputs to an HTML document

  • innerHTML; document.write

Complete and debug code that locates, modifies, and adds HTML elements and attributes

  • getElementByld; getElementsByTagName; getElementsByClassName; setAttribute; createElement

Interact with HTML Forms 5-10%

Complete and debug code that retrieves input from forms and sets form field values

  • retrieve form values; identify the DOM path; get values from different types of elements; prepopulate values; mask values

Complete and debug code that performs input validation

  • case; string comparisons; Not-A-Number (NaN)

Describe the form submission process

  • onsubmit; post versus get; potential targets for submission

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